The Rape Crisis Center of Medina and Summit Counties

759 W Market St, Akron -
I chose the Rape Crisis Center in Akron because of the amazing advocacy they offer for rape victims. Rape is an experience that can ruin one's life if not delt with properly. The Rape Crisis Center offers the support and resources to help victims deal with the rape in a healthy way. The center has a 24-hour crisis line which rape victims can call to recieve advice, referells, or just to talk about how they are feeling. An amazing program that is a part of the center is their hospital advocacy program. If a rape victim goes to certain hospitals in Akron, the Rape Crisis Center sends an advocate to sit with, talk with and explain the procedures to the victim. They also have people who will help you through the legal process of dealing with rape. There are advocates who will come and sit with you in the courtroom, being moral and emotional support for the victim.
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